Sanchayapatra Interest Rate 2024- Check Sanchayapatra Rate

Sanchayapatra Interest Rate 2024. Check New Interest Rate of Sanchayapatra (Savings Certificates) now from here. Bangladesh Post Office Sanchayapatra Interest Rate. Internal Resources Division (IRD) under the finance ministry issued a circular regarding new interest rate of National Savings Certificates. Now many people are searching for Sanchayapatra New Interest Rate. You come to the right place. In the post you will find Savings Certificates New Interest Rate and savings certificate related information.

Sanchayapatra Rate 2024

According to the circular, savings certificates interest rates is applicable for individual and institutional investors for new investment of over taka 15 lakh. IRD, Ministry of Finance Profit Rate re-determination circular of National Savings Certificate is available here on

The interest rate would be 10.30 per cent instead of 11.28 per cent if the investment is over Tk 15 lakh in five-year Bangladesh Sanchayapatra (savings certificates). For investment over Tk 30 lakh, the interest rate would be 9 per cent.

Interest rate for three monthly profit bearing Sanchayapatra (three-year maturity) would 10 per cent if the investment is over Tk 15 lakh. And for investment over Tk 30 lakh, the rate will be 9 per cent.

For investment over Tk 15 lakh, he interest rate of five-year pensioners Sanchayapatra would be 10.75 per cent and for investment over Tk 30 lakh, it would be 9.75 per cent .

In the case of family savings certificates, If the investment cross Tk 15 lakh then the rate will be 10.50 per cent and for over Tk 30 lakh it will be 9.50 per cent.

Click Here for Sanchayapatra Interest Rate PDF

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Sanchayapatra Interest Rate 2022

About Sanchayapatra

Sanchayapatra is a savings certificate issued by the Government of Bangladesh. It is managed by Department of National Savings. There are different types of Sanchayapatra such as 5-years Bangladesh Sanchayapatra, 3-monthly profit bearing Sanchayapatra, poribar Sanchayapatra, and pensioner Sanchayapatra.

Sanchayapatra Purchase Limit: Sanchayapatra interest rate is comparatively high. That’s why many are eager to purchase Sanchayapatra. But Government has set a limit on Sanchayapatra purchase. Sanchayapatra maximum purchase limit is mentioned below-

Sanchayapatra Name Single Joint
3-monthly profit bearing Sanchayapatra BDT 30 Lac BDT 60 Lac
5-years Bangladesh Sanchayapatra BDT 30 Lac BDT 60 Lac
Poribar Sanchayapatra BDT 45 Lac
Pensioner Sanchayapatra BDT 50 Lac
  • 3 Monthly Interest Bearing Sanchayapatra Form
  • 5 Years Sanchayapatra Form
  • Pensioner Sanchayapatra Form
  • Poribar Sanchayapatra Form

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