Unani and Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Medical College BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Admit Card 2020-21. Check BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Admit 2020-21 at dghs.teletalk.com.bd. Dghs.teletalk.com.bd is the official website for BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission 2020-21. Unani and Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Medical College BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Admit Card 2020-21 will be available on Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) admission website http://dghs.teletalk.com.bd. So applicants can download BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Admit Card 2020-21 from DGHS official website. Click below link for BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Admit Card 2020-21.
Click here for BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Admit Card 2020-21
Unani and Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Medical College BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Circular 2020-21. Check BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Notice 2020-21 now at dghs.teletalk.com.bd. Dghs.teletalk.com.bd is the official website for BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission 2020-21. Unani and Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Medical College BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Circular 2020-21 has been published. Unani and Ayurvedic/ Homeopathic Medical College BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Notice 2020-21 is available on Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) admission website http://dghs.teletalk.com.bd. BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Circular 2020-21 has also been updated here. So you can also check BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Circular 2020-21 from here. The details about BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Notice 2020-21 is available below.
To apply for BUMS BAMS BHMS admission under academic session 2020-21, applicants must be Bangladeshi Citizen. Applicants must be SSC passed in 2017/2018 and HSC in 2019/2020. Students must have total GPA-8.0 in both SSC and HSC examinations and must have minimum GPA-3.5 in each exam. Students must have GPA-3.5 in Biology in HSC/ Equivalent examination.
Interested and eligible candidates have to apply online via Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) admission website http://dghs.teletalk.com.bd. Applicants have to print BUMS BAMS BHMS Admission Test Admit Card from DGHS admission website http://dghs.teletalk.com.bd. See more details on the circular.
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